Le vendredi 13 octobre 2017
de 17h à 18h30

Friday the 13th - are we all just brains in a vat ?

English-language discussion group organized by Jonathan Simon

Putting aside our paraskevidekatriaphobia we are going to meet on Friday the 13th to discuss the essay ’Brains in a vat’ by Hilary Putnam. This will be the first workshop in English on Hilary Putnam’s Reason Truth and History (1981) and will take place on Friday the 13th october at 17h (17h to 18h30 - at the latest), in the room A260.

This workshop is open to everyone. The only requirement is that you must have read the text by Hilary Putnam ’Brains in a vat’. It is the first chapter of his book Reason Truth and History and be prepared to discuss it in English with your peers.You can download the whole book from this link:


The discussion of the chapter will be entirely in English and there will be no translation involved.

best wishes

Jonathan Simon

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Lieu : campus Lettres et Sciences Humaines

Adresse : Boulevard Albert 1er

Ville : Nancy

Département : Meurthe-et-Moselle

Région : Grand Est

Pays : France

Annoncé anonymement le mercredi 22 juillet 2020
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