Le samedi 15 juin 2024
de 21h à 00h30

Tango & Contact

C’est la soirée tango alternatif et fusion tango-contact !

Au croisement de la danse contact-improvisation et du tango argentin,
le TANGO-CONTACT est un espace de tango ouvert,
un moment d’expression

où le plaisir de la connexion à soi, à l’autre et à la musique, se joue et se danse !

où les conventions marquées dans la verticalité

prennent leur liberté dans toutes les directions.

Pas besoin ni de partenaire ni de savoir danser pour s’y aventurer !


BAL précédé d'un stage à partir de 18h


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Pas besoin de savoir danser ni le tango, ni le contact pour s’y aventurer :
venez avec votre axe, et votre envie de jouer !


Mon envie de jouer, ma curiosité, et mon ouverture (dans le respect de mes limites du moment!)




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Un anonyme a signalé une erreur le 10/06/2024 à 21:27
Hi to the curieux.net Owner. I've just discovered your website, brief question_ My name is Haley, I located curieux.net after doing a rapid search _ your site popped up close to the peak of the search rankings, so anything you_re working on for SEO, appears like it_s working well. So here is my query _ what exactly happens AFTER someone lands on your site? Anything whatsoever? Research tells us at least 70% of the people who find your website, post a swift glance, they disappear_ forever. That implies that all the effort and attempt you put in into getting them to arrive, goes down the drain. Why on earth would you desire all of that great work and effort _ and the fantastic website you_ve constructed _ go to waste away? As the probabilities are they_ll just skip over calling or even grabbing their cell phone, leaving you in the lurch. However, here_s a thought for you_ what you could make extremely simple for someone raise their hand, say, _okay, let_s talk_ without needing them to even pull their cell phone from their pocket to groundbreaking new software that can literally that first ever call NOW. Web Visitors Into Leads is a software that sits your site, ready and waiting to capture visitor_s. It lets you know IMMEDIATELY _ so that you can talk to that lead while they_re still there at your site, you know, strike when the iron_s! CLICK HERE https://advanceleadgeneration.com to try a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now see exactly how it works, when targeting, you HAVE to act fast _ the difference contacting someone within minutes 30 minutes later is huge _ like 100 times! That_s you should check out our new SMS Text With Lead feature as well_ once captured phone number of the website, you can automatically kick off a text with them. Imagine how powerful this could be _ even if they don_t you up on your offer, you can stay touch them using messages make new offers links great content, and build your credibility, just this alone could be a game changer to make website more effective, strike when the iron_s! CLICK HERE https://advanceleadgeneration.com to learn more about everything Web Visitors Into Leads can do your business be amazed and keep the great! Haley PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers FREE 14 days trial _ you could be converting to 100x more leads! It even includes International Long Distance Calling wasting money chasing that don_t into paying customers. CLICK HERE https://advanceleadgeneration.com to try Web Visitors Into Leads. Now, if you'd like to unsubscribe here https://advanceleadgeneration.com/unsubscribe.aspx?d=curieux.net Just quick note - the names and email used here, are placeholders real contact. We value transparency and wanted to make you_re aware! If you wish to get in touch the real behind this message, please visit our website we_ll connect you with the right

Lieu d'accueil pour des activités autour du mouvement

Lieu : Maison du mouvement

Adresse : route de schirmeck

Ville : Strasbourg

Département : Bas-Rhin

Région : Grand Est

Pays : France

Annoncé anonymement le mercredi 29 mai 2024
Publié le samedi 1 juin 2024 par Bruno Eichenberger
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